Please include a style sheet, if you have been given one by your publisher or copy-editor. If not, we will apply our in-house style.
Pricing and what’s included
We charge by the word using a progressive pricing strategy. This means a longer text will have a lower price per thousand words than a shorter text. A progressive pricing strategy takes into account the time taken for the administrative work as well as the actual proofreading itself.
Depending on how much work needs to be done to a given piece of work, we may need to increase the costs because it will take longer. For example, if a text has already been copy-edited, chances are that the text will be largely error-free to start with. However, a text that has not been copy-edited is likely to have more errors and will therefore require more time. If you are in this situation, it might benefit you to take advantage of our PandaCopyEd service instead.
Proofreading prices start at £25.40 for up to 2,000 words, with a minimum charge of £25.40 per text.
Please read the CIEP’s top tips to make the most of your freelance copy-editor or proofreader to help us both get the most out of our potential author–proofreader relationship.
The PandaProofs service
✔︎ Spell check
✔︎ Grammar check
✔︎ Punctuation check
✔︎ Generate/update your style sheet
✔︎ Consistency check of formatting and style of numbers, dates, abbreviations, italics, quotation marks, etc.
✘ Fact check
✘ Plagiarism check
✘ Text edit
✘ Text rewrite
✘ Index check
Corrections to your text will be indicated according to the format you send:
- hard copy (paper): BSI marks for proof correction
- PDF file (*.pdf): as for hard copy or PDF comments and other annotations
- Word document (*.doc, *.docx): Word’s change tracking system.
Please read make sure you understand our terms and conditions and our privacy policy before you make contact.
What to expect
We will proofread your text and send you:
- an annotated copy of your text
- a corrected version of your text
- your original text
- a new/updated style sheet
- a report indicating recurring problems and other points of note.
What not to expect
We will not perform the following services:
- copy-edit your text
- check your facts, although we may flag potential obvious problems
- check your index.
If you wish your index to be checked, please refer to the Society of Indexers.
Corrections made to the text may include:
- spelling errors and consistency
- grammatical errors and consistency
- punctuation errors and consistency
- minor changes for sense
- numbering of tables and illustrations.
Academic texts
If you require an academic text proofreading, please check with your institution that it is permitted and will not be considered as plagiarism.